Make Password Protected Editable Dmg


A dmg file is a compressed file structure, capable of containing folders, files, etc. Dmg files can be used for a variety of purposes, from encrypting a home directory (ie – FileVault) to encrypting a file structure manually. A dmg file can be encrypted fairly simply. From Disk Utility, create a dmg file by clicking on the File menu and selecting New and then Blank Disk Image. This will bring up a screen where you can provide a name for your home folder and a size, then select either AES 128 or AES 256, which is a bit slower.Go ahead and click on Create and then at the resultant password screen go ahead and provide a password to be used. And let’s just go ahead and uncheck the option to create an entry in Keychain for the password.If you would rather do so from the command line I covered how to do so in a previous post.Now let’s download Spartan, a tool built by Ryan Kubasiak. Now download a dictionary file. I just used one of these (and for expedience sake I paired down the contents to only have about 100 possible passwords, one of which was mine). Now go ahead and open Spartan, clicking on Go! at the splash screen.At the Choose a File screen, browse to and then select your password file, clicking Choose once you have done so. At the next Choose a File screen browse to and then select your dmg file which you would like to crack the password for. The password file will then be read into RAM and the password cracking will commence.According to the length of your password this could take a long, long time, but when it’s done you will have your password, assuming it was in the dictionary of passwords you used. Dictionary files can be downloaded from a variety of sources, some collections taking up gigabytes upon gigabytes of space and covering every possible keyboard combination. Therefore, the longer the password that you use and the more complex the password is, the longer it will take to break the encryption.“So, would your holiness care to change her password?” – The Plague

1. Open a workbook.

  • If you are using the manual method, you can encrypt your Disk Image with a password if you would like your files to be private. Simply Select 'AES-128' under the 'Encryption' drop-down menu. After you click 'Create' and it will ask you to create a password for your files.
  • In order to convert the file from read-only to writable you must disable the lock feature, and configure the user settings to permit others to make changes to the file. Once changed, any user who has read and write privileges can edit the DMG file, as well as lock the file.

Microsoft Word comes preloaded with many features to let you create and edit your documents. One of those features lets you restrict editing in Word. When you enable the feature, it prevents anyone from being able to remove or add content to your documents thus making them remain intact.

2. On the File tab, click Save As.

3. Click Browse.

Make Password Protected Editable Dmg Reader

Make password protected editable dmg file

4. Click on the Tools button and click General Options.

5. In the Password to modify box, enter a password and click OK.

Note: If you only want to recommend users to open the Excel file as read-only, without protecting it, don't enter a password and check Read-only recommended.

6. Reenter the password and click on OK.

Make Password Protected Editable Dmg File

Note: this feature does not encrypt your Excel file.

7. Enter a file name and click Save.

Make Password Protected Editable Dmg Files

Your workbook is read-only now.