The Adobe DNG Converter enables you to easily convert camera-specific raw files from supported cameras to a more universal DNG raw file. Another benefit of using the DNG Converter is backward compatibility.
The Adobe DNG Converter, a free utility that converts files from more than 600 cameras to DNG, enables you to easily convert camera-specific raw files to a more universal DNG raw file. Digital Negative (DNG) Specification patent license. I recently purchased a Nikon D500. I do not have Adobe CC. With my Nikon D750 I have been using the converter to convert the NEF files to DNG's for use in my older version ( Photoshop CS5). I recently up dated to the latest Adobe DNG 9.1 and this WILL NOT convert the files from NEF to DNG.
The Adobe DNG Converter, a free utility that converts files from more than 350 cameras to DNG, enables you to easily convert camera-specific raw files to a more universal DNG raw file. This article will describe three methods to convert your Raw files to DNG files. The first two methods will make use of Adobe Lightroom and the final method will use the free Adobe Digital Negative Converter. The Adobe DNG Converter is useful if you do not own Lightroom or you have a new camera and its Raw files are not supported by Lightroom. Adobe DNG Converter is a free tool that allows you to convert the RAR files from more than 300 cameras to DNG format, something very handy when it comes to standardizing the images.
Adobe provides backwards compatibility for the latest cameras for use in older versions of Photoshop, Lightroom, Bridge, After Effects, and Photoshop Elements through the DNG Converter.
For conceptual information about raw files and the DNG format, and to understand why you should convert your files to DNG, see the Appendix.
Windows: Adobe DNG Converter
macOS: Adobe DNG Converter
- Open the downloaded file and double-click the DNG Converter executable file.
- Follow the onscreen instructions.
The DNG Converter is now available in your Programs (Windows) or Applications (macOS) directory. The installation utility is designed to also install a set of color profiles required for the DNG Converter to function properly. These profiles are copied to a common resource location.
- Launch the DNG Converter by double-clicking its icon. Alternatively, drag and drop individual images or a folder of images directly onto the Adobe DNG Converter icon. This action automatically launches the converter.
- Select the folder of images you'd like to convert to DNG.
- Select the location where you want to save the converted DNG files.
- Select a naming pattern for the new DNG files:
Document Name: The existing name of the file is used with the DNG extension added.
Add serial numbers or letters to the name: Advanced patterns; an example of the resulting name appears after Name Example. - Specify the following additional settings for the DNG file names:
Begin numbering: Enter the starting serial number if you'd like it to be different from 1.
File Extension: The file extension is automatically set to DNG. You can choose the extension to be either uppercase or lowercase. - If necessary, change the compatibility preferences.
- Click Convert. A dialog box showing the status of the conversion appears.
To change compatibility preferences, follow these steps:
Adobe Arw To Dmg Converter Standalone
- In the Preferences section of the DNG Converter dialog box, click Change Preferences.
- Choose one of the following options:
Camera Raw 2.4 and later: The DNG file will be readable by Camera Raw 2.4 (Photoshop CS) and later, and Lightroom 1.0 and later
Camera Raw 4.1 and later: The DNG file will be readable by Camera Raw 4.1 (Photoshop CS3) and later, and Lightroom 1.1 and later. The DNG file will often be readable by earlier versions, depending on the camera model.
Camera Raw 4.6 and later: The DNG file will be readable by Camera Raw 4.6 (Photoshop CS3) and later, and Lightroom 2.1 and later. The DNG file will often be readable by earlier versions, depending on the camera model.
Camera Raw 5.4 and later: The DNG file will be readable by Camera Raw 5.4 (Photoshop CS4) and later, and Lightroom 2.4 and later. The DNG file will often be readable by earlier versions, depending on the camera model.
Camera Raw 6.6 and later: The DNG file will be readable by Camera Raw 6.6 (Photoshop CS5) and later, and Lightroom 3.6 and later. The DNG file will often be readable by earlier versions, depending on the camera model.
Camera Raw 7.1 and later: The DNG file will be readable by Camera Raw 7.1 (Photoshop CS6) and later, and Lightroom 4.1 and later. The DNG file will often be readable by earlier versions, depending on the camera model.
Custom:- Backward Version: DNG 1.1, DNG 1.3, or DNG 1.4 (default 1.4)
- Linear (demosaiced): The image data is stored in an interpolated ('demosaiced') format. This option is useful if a camera's particular mosaic pattern is not supported by a DNG reader. The default mosaic format maximizes the extent of data preserved. Mosaic image data can be converted to linear data, but the reverse is not possible.
- Uncompressed: No compression is applied to the raw image data.
Video | The advantages of the DNG file format
A raw file contains the 'raw' data captured by the digital camera sensor before it has been converted to JPEG or TIFF formats. Cameras that create JPEG or TIFF files process (and in the case of JPEG files, compress) the sensor data. When working with raw files, the file is not compressed or processed in the camera. Instead, software gives the user complete control over the conversion settings. For example, white balance is not applied to the raw file but is stored with the file so the software can default to the originally-intended setting. Other information contained in a DNG file includes standard EXIF metadata (just like in JPEG files), date, time, camera used, and camera settings.
Raw files offer the following benefits:
- Smaller files than uncompressed TIFF
- Does not have the artifacts of compressed JPEGs
- Many key camera parameters, such as white balance, can be modified even after the image is captured
- You have complete control over conversion settings rather than letting the camera decide
- Access to 16-bit data for greater detail and fidelity
- Flexibility of converting a single file using multiple conversion settings
Digital Negative (DNG) is an openly published raw file specification that stores the 'raw' pixel data captured by the digital camera sensor before it has been converted to JPEG or TIFF formats, along with standard EXIF metadata, date, time, camera used, and camera settings. This format is freely available for other software and hardware vendors to support.
Unlike most manufacturer-specific raw formats, the Digital Negative is an openly published specification that not only is supported by Adobe, but is also freely available for other software and hardware vendors to support. Consequently, it can be a safer file format to use for long-term archival purposes. Archiving your file as a digital negative eliminates worries that the raw file will no longer be readable once the camera format that created it becomes obsolete.
The Digital Negative specification allows for not only all of the pixel information stored in current raw formats, but also for all of the additional, proprietary metadata that many manufacturers include. The Adobe DNG Converter may, in some cases, ignore some of this proprietary metadata, and only include the basic information necessary for creating a high-quality image file. The original raw file, however, can also be embedded in the new DNG format to ensure that proprietary metadata from the manufacturer is not lost.
The public archival format for digital camera raw data
Raw file formats are popular in digital photography workflows because they offer greater creative control. However, cameras can use many different raw formats, the specifications for which are not publicly available. This means that not every raw file can be read by a variety of software applications. As a result, the use of these proprietary raw files as a long-term archival solution carries risk and sharing these files across complex workflows is challenging.
Adobe Arw To Dmg Converter Freeware
Digital Negative (DNG) is a publicly available archival format for raw files which are generated by various digital cameras. This addresses the lack of an open standard for raw files created by individual camera models and ensures that photographers easily access their files.
Hundreds of software manufacturers such as Apple and Google have developed support for DNG. And respected camera manufacturers such as Leica, Casio, Ricoh, Samsung, and Pentax have introduced cameras that provide direct DNG support. To learn more, see Camera Raw.

In addition to the Digital Negative Specification, Adobe provides the free Adobe DNG Converter (Windows | Mac OS), which easily translates raw files from many of today's popular cameras. Software developers and manufacturers can download the complete DNG Specification (PDF, 742 KB). DNG is supported by the following software versions: Photoshop CS to Photoshop, Photoshop Elements 3 to Photoshop Elements 12, and all versions of Lightroom.
For photographers:
- DNG format helps promote archival confidence, since digital imaging software solutions will be able to open raw files more easily in the future.
- A single raw processing solution enables a more efficient workflow when handling raw files from multiple camera models and manufacturers.
- A publicly documented and readily available specification can be easily adopted by camera manufacturers and updated to accommodate technology changes.
For hardware and software manufacturers:
- DNG removes a potential barrier to new camera adoption, since raw files from new models will be immediately supported by Photoshop and other applications.
- The DNG format allows R&D savings by reducing the need to develop new formats and by simplifying camera testing.
- A common format allows greater control over the quality of conversions by third-party applications.
- The specification allows the addition of private metadata to DNG files, enabling differentiation.
The Profiles SDK provides resources for creating enhanced profiles introduced in Lightroom Classic CC 7.3, Lightroom CC 1.3, and Camera Raw 10.3.
Download the specification, which describes a nonproprietary file format for storing camera raw files that can be used by a wide range of hardware and software vendors.
The DNG SDK provides support for reading and writing DNG files as well as for converting DNG data to a format that is easily displayed or processed by imaging applications. This SDK can serve as a starting point for the addition of DNG support to existing applications that use and manipulate images or as an aid to the inclusion of DNG support within cameras. Download: Mac, Win
The DNG Profile Editor is a free software utility for creating or editing camera profiles.
Read more (PDF, 3.93 MB)
Download: Mac, Win
(Valid for Adobe DNG Converter 5.4 and later)
Adobe® Lens Profile Creator is a free utility that enables the easy creation of lens profiles for use in the Photoshop family of products, such as Photoshop, the Camera Raw plug-in, and Lightroom. A lens profile describes the types of optical aberrations that exist in a particular lens and prescribes how to correct the lens distortions in an image captured from the same lens. For more information, read the user guide (PDF, 1.64 MB). Download: Mac, Win
As of 1/1/2018, the Adobe Lens Profile Downloader is no longer developed and is unavailable for download. Adobe's development team adds new lens profiles every release. You can also request for specific lenses here.
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom software is essential for today's digital photography workflow. Now you can quickly import, process, manage, and showcase your images — from one shot to an entire shoot. World-class correction tools, powerful organizing features, and flexible printing options help speed you along. With Lightroom, you spend less time in front of the computer and more time behind the lens.
Edit, manage, and showcase your images in Lightroom and roundtrip back to Photoshop for pixel-level editing and compositing. Together, Lightroom and Photoshop offer the most complete digital photography solution.
The Adobe DNG Converter, a free utility that converts files from more than 600 cameras to DNG, enables you to easily convert camera-specific raw files to a more universal DNG raw file.
Digital Negative (DNG) Specification patent license
Adobe is the publisher of the Digital Negative (DNG) Specification describing an image file format for storing camera raw information used in a wide range of hardware and software. Adobe provides the DNG Specification to the public for the purpose of encouraging implementation of this file format in a compliant manner. This document is a patent license granted by Adobe to individuals and organizations that desire to develop, market, and/or distribute hardware and software that reads and/or writes image files compliant with the DNG Specification.
Grant of rights
Subject to the terms below and solely to permit the reading and writing of image files that comply with the DNG Specification, Adobe hereby grants all individuals and organizations the worldwide, royalty-free, nontransferable, nonexclusive right under all Essential Claims to make, have made, use, sell, import, and distribute Compliant Implementations.
“Compliant Implementation” means a portion of a software or hardware product that reads or writes computer files compliant with the DNG Specification.
“DNG Specification” means any version of the Adobe DNG Specification made publicly available by Adobe (for example, version dated September 2004).
“Essential Claim” means a claim of a patent, whenever and wherever issued, that Adobe has the right to license without payment of royalty or other fee that is unavoidably infringed by implementation of the DNG Specification. A claim is unavoidably infringed by the DNG Specification only when it is not possible to avoid infringing when conforming with such specification because there is no technically possible noninfringing alternative for achieving such conformity. Essential Claim does not include a claim that is infringed by implementation of (a) enabling technology that may be necessary to make or use any product or portion thereof that complies with the DNG Specification but is not itself expressly set forth in the DNG Specification (for example, compiler technology and basic operating system technology), (b) technology developed elsewhere and merely incorporated by reference in the DNG Specification, or (c) the implementation of file formats other than DNG.
Adobe may revoke the rights granted above to any individual or organizational licensee in the event that such licensee or its affiliates brings any patent action against Adobe or its affiliates related to the reading or writing of files that comply with the DNG Specification.
Adobe Raw To Dng Converter
Any Compliant Implementation distributed under this license must include the following notice displayed in a prominent manner within its source code and documentation: 'This product includes DNG technology under license by Adobe.”
Adobe Arw To Dmg Converter Download
No warranty
Adobe Arw To Dmg Converter File
The rights granted herein are provided on an as-is basis without warranty of any kind, including warranty of title or noninfringement. Nothing in this license shall be construed as (a) requiring the maintenance of any patent, (b) a warranty or representation as to the validity or scope of any patent, (c) a warranty or representation that any product or service will be free from infringement of any patent, (d) an agreement to bring or prosecute actions against any infringers of any patent, or (e) conferring any right or license under any patent claim other than Essential Claims.
Reservation of rights
All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
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